Friday, September 10, 2021

They asked, What is networking marketing? And then MagicBrad gave them the answers.

They asked, What is networking marketing? And then MagicBrad gave them the answers.: If you have been in business, or have ever pursued self m-employment status I’m sure you have been prospected by network marketers. (also known as MLM or Multi Level Marketing) So then, what is networking marketing and is this model a valid method to build a legit business that provides a livable income? In short… … Continue reading "They asked, What is networking marketing? And then MagicBrad gave them the answers."

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Do Minneapolis Covid Cases affect Business Events?

Do Minneapolis Covid Cases affect Business Events?: The Minneapolis Covid cases definitely have an effect on the business events as well as the social events happening in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Minneapolis is not immune to the effects of Covid, however many people are. Believe it or not, there are people that are not affected by the Covid … Continue reading "Do Minneapolis Covid Cases affect Business Events?"

Thursday, September 2, 2021

These 2 employee incentive programs are my favorites

These 2 employee incentive programs are my favorites: For soon to be obvious reasons, these 2 employee incentive programs are my favorites. 1. They are a member of the and will be exhibiting in the here in Minneapolis. 2. MailBoxPower is a software platform that uses the United States Postal Service to deliver Postcards, green cards and personalize gifts … Continue reading "These 2 employee incentive programs are my favorites"

Two employee incentive programs that really work well

Two employee incentive programs that really work well